Playing Cards

This is the Standard design for the Jack, Queen, King, Ace, Joker, and common back of a deck of playing cards.

The Playing Cards Project:

For your next assignment you will be recreating the visuals for six US Standard Playing cards.

• The six cards you will be designing are the Jack, Queen, King, Ace, Joker, and the common back design of the deck.

• You must come up with an original concept for the theme, while following the traditional layout of a standard card, as well as, the mandatory elements below.

– By original theme, I mean that the usual images of royalty on cards today, must be replaced with images that you feel make sense for your new concept. – By traditional layout, I mean that there is one visual in the center that is reflected. There is also a capital letter that represents the card and a suit, usually in the corners. (Suits: Hears, Spades, Clubs, Diamonds).

For Example: The new design could be Fast Food themed, with the Jack being Taco Bell, the Queen being Wendy's and the King as McDonald's. Or, take a look at the sample below. New York City is the theme and the city's iconic buildings replace the images of the standard royalty.

Mandatory Design Elements:

1) FIRST, Each card will be on it's own Photoshop Document.

2) Each document should measure 3.5 inches high by 2.5 inches wide at 300 resolution.

3) The card must have a Capital Letter representing the card. For example, "K" for King.

4) The card must have one of the suits. Heart, Club, Diamond, or Spade. Pick one.

5) The card must include a main visual that represents the card. For example, the Freedom Tower in New York City represents the King of this redesigned card.

6) The image MUST BE REFLECTED to the bottom of the card.

7) There should be a subtle background image.