Architectural Sculpture

Residential architect

There are many types of architects, such as residential, industrial and commercial, but for this project we will focus on residential.

Residential architects specialize in the designing and building of individual living spaces, and may work as a sole proprietor, for a contractor, or with other residential architects as part of a larger firm.

Fallingwater, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935
and completed in 1937; near Mill Run,
southwestern Pennsylvania.

Frank lloyd wright

Frank Lloyd Wright was an master American architect and his “Prairie Style” homes became the basis of 20th-century residential design in the United States.

Prairie architects discarded elaborate compartmentalization and detailing for bold, plain walls, roomy family living areas, large windows, and square sharp corners.

Wright alone built about 50 Prairie houses from 1900 to 1910. The typical Wright-designed residence from this period displayed a wide, low roof over continuous window bands that turned corners, defying the conventional boxlike structure of most houses, and the house’s main rooms flowed together in an uninterrupted space.

building plan

Starting with simple graph paper and a pencil, sketch out your idea for a modern, Frank Lloyd Wright style home.

Think about the Prairie Style characteristics of a house:

  • Bold plain walls

  • Plenty of windows

  • Square corners

  • Low roof that extends past building walls

Tuturial on how to build the sections of the house

The YouTube video demonstrates how to create the home's flooring, walls, windows, window frames, and roof.