Vinayaga Chaturthi - 9-Sep-2013

Post date: Sep 9, 2013 10:39:57 AM

" Vinayaka is the Lord who removes all obstacles. The elephant is noted for its acute intelligence. Ganesha's elephant head symbolises sharpness of intellect and the highest power of discrimination. In a forest, when an elephant moves through the jungle, it clears all the obstacles, and leads the way for others to follow.

Likewise, worship Ganesha at the start of any activity. His Grace is sufficient to clear all the obstacles in our path and grant success in all our undertakings of dharma. The small mouse is a clever and lively creature. Symbolically it implies that we should be wise, agile and diligent in our actions. Vinayaka is a deity of infinite potency, who encompasses the entire universe within Himself. If we accord Him a place of honour and secure His Grace,then our journey of life will be made smoother and happier. "


This year's celebrations kicked-off auspeciously with a Nama Sankeerthanam by Smt Abhirami Viswanathan & Group - Sri Radhey Krishna Bhajan Mandali (9841666852/9884501946) on the eve of Vinayaga Chaturthi Viz on 8 Sep 13. Smt. Abhirami & her group has performed over 200 Nama Sankeerthanam concerts on Ekadasi days..!!

Those of you who have missed the concert at our temple will now have a chance to listen to the bliss-full rendering here...