In this section, I chose to talk about Vivien's concept about the art and practice of breathing in artificial creatures. First of all, I have selected her work as I resonate a lot with how she formulated and explained the topic, in addition to what examples she used. Reading about her family of breathing creatures made me think of multiple topics, such as sound, mindfulness, architecture, and emotional sensitivity.





What I appreciated the most is that she described breathing as a conscious and perceptual technique that has the power to impact our state of being. It triggers one's curiosity about how a machine can embody this quality and how it can be integrated within the system of AI. How can an artificial creature use the breathing in its favour? Can they use breathing to control their behavioural system? Could they teach us how to unblock different other qualities or dimensions of our existence through their breathing patterns? Able to change their system, they take over essential functions for the internal balance of the organism. Such creatures can ask for a deeper embodied connection and come closer to what it means to be human. The variable design of the boundary between outside and inside turns into an interplay of inhabiting the living space and natural environment. How could artificial creatures perceive the air and the various smells?

ARIA is a polyphonic piece composed by Maria Arnal & John Talabot for the multichannel sound installation

about air pollution of the AIR / AIRE / ARIA exhibition