Peacocks display their plumage in an extravagant fashion to attract peahens, thus, they create a presence larger than themselves. Being seen is essential for their survival and passing on their genes. Chameleons have developed skin colouration to blend in with their surroundings and hide from predators. But why would an artificial creature want

to be seen?

With humans, it gets more mysterious and abstract.

It is beyond attracting mates or hiding from danger. It is wanting to be discovered and understood by others. Or on the flipside; avoiding being noticed in fear of showing up to someone. Being seen strikes to the core of

who you are

How do you call for one's


How do you make it


How do you keep trust from fading too fast?

a creature that is


and invites you explore its creatureness. As you walk closer, it will start opening up. As you give it time, it will show its inner deepness. But when you walk away, it will become desperate.

Imagine being able to see what is happening inside one creature

what it feels how it feels when it feels

discover its inner harmony and delve deep inside its fogginess

it needs your presence and time


come closer