Trust Box

Computers and machines are made to blindly obey orders. Do whatever the user asks them to do within the set parameters. When all goes well, there is never any sense of doubt or any sense of disobedience. The machine simply blindly trusts its user, for better or for worse. This can lead to overloads, errors and, in the worst case, can even damage the machine. Also the question arises if we trust computers? It is a two way route of trust.

This project focuses on the machine trusting the user.

Therefore, this creature is a bit more suspicious of its user and surroundings. It is called trust bot and will not just trust you the second you turn it on. Just like human relationships, you need to earn its trust.

How does trust box react to its user? First it is closed a lot of times and hard to reach. Mostly when the user gets close it closes itself and hides from the user. It feels distrust and is not sure what the intentions are of the user. When the user is close for a while it gets used to it and starts opening more and more. Until there is a maximum trust where the box can still be a little cautious, but mostly will trust the user.

Project by Mathijs van Nieuwenhuijsen