Discovering Creature

Brainstorming Traits

Starting off the search for an interesting artificial creature it must be explored what traits make us human, or even more broadly makes us and animals alive. What are some emotions or urges we can feel ourselves or are we willing to express towards others?

Starting at Human/Animal Traits, going down via Discovery & Guidance, we end up at different terms, like path finding, curiosity towards 'the unknown' and mental mapping.

Mental Mapping is the act of how someone interpests their surroundings. This, most of the time, isn't an accurate representation, but tends to highlight items/spots which are deemed more important.

Something often associated with Mental Mapping is the placement of items, mostly in the house. We, as humans with all our possesions, tend to lose our stuff quite often. This is where the power of Artificial Inteligence and Robotics can come to help.

Existing Examples

The Lost & Found Object detection can identify objects by the simple use of a camera and a database of known names and images

This MIT Robot can find items which are hidden underneath other items by picking them out of a box and looking for the correct RFID tagged item.

Sketching Ideas

Tagging Robot

A robot curious in discovering items. You lost something? Your place is such a mess you need someone to catalogue it? This robot has you covered. It will go around your room/house/outside and look for items you lost or just goes around telling you about where your stuff is, maybe even suggesting to reorganise things. It will kindly ask you to pull things to the side when it can't see underneath. It tags everything and puts it in a central database, showing curious emotions in the process.

After discovering your place you can even ask it where you put things and it will describe it to you like "next to the sink" or "under your bed".

As you can see, the robot can take multiple forms

Discover Robot

This robot is made to discover. When it doesn't know a place it is distrusted and moves slowly looking in multiple directions multiple times, mapping the space out carefully.

When it knows it's surroundings it crosses the room fast, looking for new things to discover or minor changes made. It is currious and maybe a even a bit cocky, getting into trouble when thinking it knows a spot well, while it actualy had some minor changed. Bumping into stuff. Which makes it go back into the first state of carefullness for a while.