Do Robots Breathe Electrical Currents?

I was intrigued by Vivien's observations on breath-obsessed; what can we learn from artificial creatures who are not inherently dependent on breathing as we living creatures do? What is the meaning of breathing when applied to an artificial being that does not need it?

Vivien talks about breathing patterns that can be simulated by an artificial creature for various reasons: synchronizing breathing patterns for hyperventilating creatures, and giggles and sneezing which comes hand-in-hand with breathing and having lungs, allowing us to possibly bond with the creature. However, I want to propose a different way of looking at it. If robots could breathe, what kind of "breathing" it would be? I don't want to stop at just simulating breathing, I also want to explore the ways in which an artificial creature CAN breathe, if it would.

So I made a sketch of a robot that breathes in electrical currents. (Get it? Since robots need electricity to live.)

Of course, drawing from Vivian's idea of breathing artificial creatures, it should still simulate "breathing" in a sense so that us living beings can understand that it is "breathing". But in this case, instead of simulating breathing with wind as we do with our lungs, it is with electricity. Would this make the creature appeal more to us? Will we be able to understand its breathing when presented in this way? And most of all, does it make this artificial creature more alive in this way? These questions are what we can consider when confronted with the concept of a breathing robot.