
Clumsy Creatures by Joyce den Hertog


Clumsiness can be associated with absent-mindedness, lack of body control and awareness, making charming errors, and mistakes during multitasking. It's about imperfections, which is interesting in contrast to how we most often conceive robots. Think, for instance, of manufacturing robots — precision and perfection are paramount.

Account (of hypothetical work)

Upon entering the exhibition, there is a considerable circumferenced space modeled after a studio apartment inhabited by the creature Gawky. Performing various familiar tasks, it seems Gawky is on their way out of the apartment but never makes it.

Gawky is preparing lunch but stumbles and makes a mess. Gawky tries to clean up the mess but, unaware of their own body strength, breaks a glass when trying to pick it up. Later, Gawky opens the door, realizing they forgot their keys. While looking for the keys, they get distracted by a dirty plate on the table. Placing the plate into the sink, Gawky miscalculates the depth and size of the sink and cuts the plate on its edge. Gawky has to clean up again. Gawky finally finds their keys but misplaces them shortly after. And it goes on, forever. Gawky's existence is stuck in a loop of moments because every action leads to the next without ever getting to the next scene.