The Curiosity in Life


I can say with utmost confidence that curiosity is a big part of my life. I can even say that curiosity is part of my personality. Those who know me will tell you that I love to get to know the world. This world whom I am as much part of as it is part of me. But this quality is not exclusive to myself, nor exclusively to us human. Our planet is full of exotic and wonderful lifeforms. Many of these lifeforms are vastly different from one another. However, we still have a lot of qualities and behaviors in common. In this blog, I would like to focus on one of these qualities, curiosity.

But what is curiosity? If I have to give it a definition, I give it one that I believe is universally agreed on. And that is the tendency to find answers to the meaning of oneself, to the world and life. But this is not where I want to focus on. Curiosity as I know it has a much deeper meaning. It is a force. It is a phenomenon that is all around us. It lives inside us as well as many other creatures. It cannot be killed, only created. It can be suppressed, but never erased. The need to find answers is what drives us to survive. It is the reason why we managed to advance so much in this world. All it asks is to be given a chance. A helping hand to guide us.

With today's technology, we have managed to creature "life" mechanically. Bots and machines that do as they are told. These machines have helped us tremendously in the comfort of our lives and help us create more stuff we use daily. But I have made a personal 'discovery' when it comes to curiosity. Curiosity is not something that stays with its host. It can be transmuted.

The human race has been able to transmute its curiosity to machines. A good example is the Rover on Mars called 'Curiosity'. There are multiple of them with each their own names. These rovers cross the plains of Mars seeking anything that is interesting that catches their 'eyes' (or advanced cameras to be more precise).

I believe that mankind has the ability to be so advanced, that we manage to create creatures, mechanic or not, that can colonize other planets or even star-systems. To describe such a creature, it has to be a hybrid of organic and mechanic. Each creature would be designed and hold physical characteristics and chemical compositions that allow it to survive and work on its designated planet. It would look like life on Earth in a way, but whatever animal shape it takes, would depend on the planet it has to colonize. These creatures succeed in everything we humans or the animals on our planet fail to do. Much physical limitations are stripped away from them. Allowing them to freely advance and progress in their mission to not only uncover the secrets of our universe, but to also carry on our legacy.