Creative Music

Comments on Helenas 'Let Creatures Play'

Helena talks about creativity, and the fact it is one of the thing that makes us human, although I like to agree other living creatures have this same creative spirit. She notes creativity is a broad subject in painting, movie making, dance, but I also like to add the simple and basic descision making. Creativity, to most people, has to result into something 'artsy', yet creativity can be found all around and is common in your every minute discision making. Thus, the subject is even broader then Helena states.

This leads her to the idea of the creation of music in an artificial creature, through creativity. She gives examples of recognising rythm and playing its own melodies. I would like to comment on both of them. First, it is important to note that, as she said herself, creativity is a human trait. I am convinced "real" creativity is far off or even impossible to teach to A.I., because it is so much bound to our core as a living creature. This is even seen in one of her examples, the melody making. Current A.I.'s making music don't create melodys out of a creative spark, but simply out of a random generator which has been given some clear parameters.

The Crowd Adaptive Musical Robot

This is why I decided to not strive for human creativity, yet more on how to create a better musical experience through a human connection. As a DJ, which I do in my spare time, it is important to 'feel your crowd'. This is why my creature, which is based on Helenas, is adapting to the crowd. So.. It generates its own music based on a pool of samples, rythms and set parameters for synthesisers among other things, while taking the 'vibe' into account. It would even be possible for the creature to 'train' itself by listening to a lot of different songs.

The creature exsists out of a glowing base and a moving arm/head. The glowing base emit light and a pattern based on the (mood of the) current music. The arm/head moves tries to mimic the crowds dancing, by using different sensory inputs. Using these same inputs the creature measures how much people talk, hum along, scream, dance, jump ect. . Using these inputs it evaluates if people like his music and addapts accordingly.