A living creature ecology

What is alive

A living system

Biological machines


Electrical organisms

A sonic creature

Being alive

What is being alive?

What is it like to be a Bat?

and if we will never know why is this question interesting?

Seeming a live

How does a creature seems alive to you and me?


open system oraganisms that

maintain homeostasis

are composed of cells (sometimes not)

have a life cycle



adapt to their environment

respond to stimuli




The living

Adaptability. Emergence. Evolution

What complexity might emerge from a system based on simple local rules in enitites in an ecology or composition of multiple cells, agents or modules ?

What characteristic behaviour or quality arises from such a system?


Theo Jansen's low tech Strandbeest are fascinating creatures that live on the beach between the dunes and the waves. Through an iterative development and advancement of characteristic features through several versions of the Stransbeest, Theo Jansen has created a story of evolution within the Strandbeest species. This is manifested in these physical, surrealist chreatures that shows a great variety of behaviour and aliveness.

Bacterial Orchestra

Ecology of agent cells that listens and responds to their sonic surroundings. Evolutionary algorithms defines sonic outcome and communication. Humoristic mirroing and adaptive behaviour.

Felix Hess sound creatures

Felix Hess was inspired by the beautiful sound of frogs and their shy behaviour. Mimicking these principles he created frog instllations and other self-organising systems and moving sound creatures that seemed alive.

Living system sketch

Words on system: Multiple cell entities of simple logic modules that senses electromagnetic waves and by means of simple rules perform local behaviour with the output of sound and perhaps mechanical movement that generate more complex pattern or behaviour as a mesh/rizhome system. By placing multiple af these systems different places outdoors they will adapt to their situation and develop different characters, behaviour and qualities of soundscapes.