Personal Space

1. Personal Space by Jan Dudek

For this second assigment, I selected the blog post of my fellow student Jan Dudek about Personal Space. I found his concept of personal space very interesting, especially how he explored personal space for animals and objects. The example of the Xbox overheating was something I never thought about. We do, indeed, let it warm us of it's problem but don't listen to it. It seems to me like personal space is exclusivily reserved for humans. As humans we feel allowed to tourment and touch unanimated objects at our will.

Futhermore, I believe the idea of touch could become a real subject of research. When do we consider someone open to touch? How do we know, as humans, when to touch or not too? What makes us want to touch something? It would be interesting to see how those transpose into artifical creature and how we could explore touch in them.

Finally, it inspired me to think about robots learning or reacting to social clues. Would it be possible to create a creature capable to understand and perceive when they should perform an action based on the enviromment around them?

2. Exploring Social Clues

The idea with those creatures is to explore different social clues and for us to learn what they are. By having creatures mimicking our expressions or reacting to them we can be more aware of how we speak through so much more then just with words.