
Wireframes are the "image" that displays a picture of your specific selected unit towards the left above the health your your selected unit. Wireframes allow you to observe the units description when you hover over it

The base command for WireFrame is: @actrmsg SetWireFrame 0. This command sets the first layer of wireframes, or the 0th wireframe. The image filepath enclosed in brackets (<>) is included after the base. You can also set layers "1" and "2" (which, quite confusingly for the non-programmer layperson, are the second and third layers) by switching the 0 out for those numbers, which create cool effects like overlapping images. This is why I personally recommend decals, since they include a fair amount of transparent space to work with so other decals and images may be placed under them.

When you use this command, the WireFrame will only appear for the specific unit selected unless more are selected, it will not change for units that are from the same variant.

I will provide you with three WireFrames to give you a head start, which are personal favorites.

See the "Image" tab to find out how to find these file paths from the Starcraft editor.

1. @actrmsg SetWireframe 0 Assets\Textures\decal_terran_0037_01.dds

2. @actrmsg SetWireframe 0 Assets\Textures\decal_protoss_0061.01.dds

3. @actrmsg SetWireframe 0 Assets\Textures\decal_zerg_0044_01.dds