Modeling Tips, by IvorySaf

Now I know what you're thinking. "Oh, this cunt that made the troll guide is also making a modeling tip guide? Fuck 'em". Let's not think that, mainly because it's rude and hurts my noodle feels. This is just the do's and don'ts of modeling, really you can do anything you want, these are just my opinion on what you should and should not do while modeling.


#1. Don't use scaled 10 carriers or void rays on your models.

#2. Don't tint shit so bright it causes black spots on the screen.

#3. Don't scale anything to 10 unless it's really small and can only be seen at 10.



#1. Do tint models that don't normally fit with the current units look.

#2. Do use splicers that aren't Marauder, Odin, or DuskWing.

#3. Do try to make something original when you make a model.