
You can do many different things with fonts and texts, such as changing the color of what you are typing, and what size they appear in.

I am going to explain how colors work before i give you some aliases so you can have a better understanding of how colors work. This will be especially useful when I talk to you about Tinting so pay close attention!

This works of an coding call “hexcode”Color-hex gives information about colors including color models (RGB,HSL,HSV and CMYK), Triadic colors, monochromatic colors and analogous colors calculated in color page. The basic idea is that RGB values are encoded in hexadecimal, with values ranging from 0 to 255 in every basic color. The average value of these three hexadecimal numbers combined together (RRGGBB) is the Alpha value or greyscale intensity of the color. There are tons of hexcodes (literally 16777216), Just look them up, here's a link if you are interested: http://htmlcolorcodes.com/

When using these commands it’s recommended to close the bracket at the end. Meaning use </c>

  • To begin with, the engine has various completed fonts available for use. These include:
  • EditorOverlay (a large font)
  • international10 (a very small font)
  • s (the default font for subtitles, see the subtitle page for a more in depth explanation of what those are)
  • Kicker_Protoss (blue font)
  • Kicker_Zerg (orange font)
  • Lost (bolded red font)
  • ErrorDisplay (thinner red font)
  • XP_Kicker (purple font)
  • Kicker_Refinery (green font)
  • ChallengeVictorySubtitle (small teal font)

These are "s values", and the syntax to use them in cortex text is: <s val="name">text</s>. The brackets are important, especially in names, so that your @say text won't be in your chat.

Generally, s values can seem a bit over dramatic and may not add as much as a simple color would to the flavor of your character. Consider how the text in your subtitle and name stylistically flows together, and what it represents about your character. I recommend using gentle hexcodes encoded in <c val="RRGGBB">text</c> rather than s values. Specifically, the best hexcodes for text, especially against a black background, are white for most text, and metallic or tinted texts for emphasis. Remember that text with a greyscale intensity with lower than 128 will be very difficult to read, and it is usually not necessary. I recommend staying above 200, as a rule of thumb. Remember that the greyscale intensity can be calculated by averaging the three base sixteen (hexadecimal) numbers in a hexcode. As with most aspects of cortex, experimentation is the clearest route to success.