Serobliss's Tinting Guide

Tints another one of those things that "good" modelers are shit at. Guessing numbers for colors and shit, like wtf. People don't quite understand how important coloring is, contrast, matching, neutralizing colors on models, all of it is the mark of someone who knows what they're doing.

@tint looks to be a very basic command, though nobody seems to understand what the fuck most of the numbers mean. So I'll give it to you, then define each of the variables.

@tint R(0-255) G(0-255) B(0-255) Opacity(0-1) Alpha(-MAX_INT/ +MAX_INT) Timescale(0-MAX_INT)

RGB is red green blue values, every color is a mix of these ones, online color pickers are helpful if you have no idea/are dumb. The value goes from 0 to 255 on each one.

Opacity is rather simple, a zero is invisible, a one is 100% visible, however a .3 is 30% visible. See? Look at this shit, also you can use %s.

Alpha is a multiplier like effect that brightens or darkens the RGB values. Can make really irritating and glitch things. The lowest value possible is Negative MAX_INT(500k iuh) and the highest possible value is positive MAX_INT. Negative colors invert the tint and do weird shits, it's pretty fun and every new guy plays with it for a few days then gets bored.

Finally, Timescale. Simple asides from one thing, it scales everything over time except Opacity, that's instant for some fucking reason. Though theirs a work around in @actrmsgs which i'll get to in that guide. 0 to MAX_INT.

Another fantastic idea is to create tinting sets which i'll get to eventually. Looks flashy af.

MAX_INT = 524287
