
@Play is actually a very helpful command, and it help provide you with different animations, I will be going over a few of them and what they do with different models.

Now there's a huge list of @plays, I don't even personally think I know them all, but I will provide you with a few of them, I will however not tell you what they do unless I give you an example, I encourage you to try them out yourself!

Heres a list of them, but of course there are a lot more, I encourage you to try and find some yourself. I WILL NOT TYPE THE WHOLE COMMAND FOR THIS RATHER THE WORD YOU WOULD TYPE AFTER TYPING @PLAY (action) (behavior/number/letter)

  1. Work
  2. Attack
  3. Stand
  4. -
  5. x
  6. effect

To be more helpful I will provide you with an example of what you can do with one, this was a request as seemingly people want to learn how to do this specific command.

So if you have ever seen somebody like SeroBliss spawn in a helicopter, you would of course be impressed, but you would wonder how did he make those roaters, well its actually very simple.

Its basically using techlabs (the model) and using @play work loop on it to make the model have a spinning action on it. You would of course use animspeed to adjust the speed.

You would then make it invisible and attach things to where the model rotates in order to get the spin effect the roaters have on a helicopter.