
Attach+ is a more advanced and highly superior way of using "attach." As attach uses attachpoints such as *Target,Head,Left,Right,Ect.
Attach+ allows you to move slightly from where you can attach. It allows you to basically move the attachpoint slightly from where you first had it.

Attach+ Uses An axis that is 0 0 0 These numbers are sent in after the attach point, like Origin. Offset requires three numbers, and they are X, Y, and Z, in that order. An example is below.

@attach+ beacon_nova Origin 1 2 3

+X will move right, and −X will move left. +Y will move behind the unit, and −Y will move in front of the unit. +Z will rise above the unit, and −Z will go below the unit.

You can also use attachdummy

@attach+ attachdummy origin 1 2 3

You can see the visual representation in game if you go into game type @Spawn Beacon;@modelswap Axis;@scale 10

There is another major actor that goes along with attach+ called -r, You basically use it with attach+ in the same command. It Allows your actor to face where you want. I have explain that in the Sub Page called -r