What is physically required to become a good soccer player?

Image source: thesun.co.uk

Image source: nytimes.com

Alexander Sabadash has always said in the past that soccer is arguably the most popular sport in the world. Hundreds of thousands of people flock to stadiums worldwide to watch the greatest matches, while millions more find themselves glued to the television to see their favorite players in action.

For the most part, it's really the players that capture the imagination of all the fans. But these amazing athletes didn't get to where they are overnight. Sure, they've been gifted with enormous talent, but they've also had years to hone their skills.

For today's blog, Alexander Sabadash shares what he thinks are the essential physical requirements of being a good soccer player.

1. Stamina

A whole match lasts 90 minutes. During that time, soccer players do everything from jogging to sprinting to defending to heading to kicking. And with some of the most well-conditioned athletes out there, anything less than a world-class level of stamina and endurance is needed for them to perform and truly be effective.

2. Power

Power, especially with the legs, is needed in soccer. The more powerful the kick, the more effective the player is. Players also need to have a good amount of strength to jostle for position against other strong players. It is, after all, a contact sport, and at the highest level, there are a lot of bruising collisions.

3. Quickness

Alexander Sabadash's favorite quality of a soccer player is quickness, which can burst out into a full sprint from a stationary position. When a soccer player has quickness, he can very well get to the ball faster. Speed is also important. If quickness is how soccer players get away from the opponents, speed is what helps them either get farther or nearer, depending on the situation.