A look back at the Cinderella run of England in the previous World Cup

Back during World Cup 2018, fans of English football were treated to a spectacle that saw their team almost make it to the Finals. However, millions of hearts broke when another young Cinderella team, Croatia, took down England by a single goal. But even after the defeat, England’s fairy tale run was the talk of the tournament, explains Alexander Sabadash. After all, it’s the closest they’ve ever come to winning the Cup since the ‘80s.

Losing 2-1 to Croatia didn’t signify the end to many fans of the England national team all over the world. In fact, it was seen as the opposite. A huge reason for the success of the team could be attributed to its young stars that many argue have yet to reach their prime. By 2022, these stars may be mature and strong enough to win it all, notes Alexander Sabadash.

The new cap is the 25-year-old Harry Kane, who showed everyone how competent he is at leadership despite his age. Not buckling under pressure, Kane exhibited the grit and skill that past caps David Beckham, Wayne Rooney, and Stephen Gerrard had.

According to lifelong soccer fan Alexander Sabadash, World Cup 2022 may very well be England’s time.