The difference between soccer and American football.

A lot of tourists who come to the U.S. are confused with a certain sport called American football. While it's the most popular sport in the U.S. by far, globally, people see football in a different way. Americans call it soccer.

For today's blog, Alexander Sabadash takes a fascinating look at the differences between the most popular sport in the U.S. and the most beloved sport in the world.


American football is a highly physical sport that some may even view as violent. There are a lot of hard tackles and sacks and other types of high-impact contact. Soccer also involves contact, but not at the level that American football has. American football also plays in spurts, with plays coming one after another in extravagant fashion. Soccer, for the most part, is continuous.


Jokes have been made about American football since players rarely use their feet to kick the ball, and the ball bears no resemblance to a ball at all. It looks more like an egg. The soccer ball is probably the most recognizable in the world.


In American football, players use their hands to pass and receive the ball until they can get past the opponent's defense and score on the other side of the field. In soccer, players try to kick or head the ball past their opponent's goalkeeper to score a goal.

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