Soccer tips for novice players.

Alexander Sabadash lives and breathes football. He plays with his friends and watches games on either the Russian Premier League, the English Premier League, or the Spanish La Liga, whenever he has free time from the rigors. He also spends a lot of time on the pitch practicing his game.

On YouTube, Alexander Sabadash has seen how much training his favorite footballers in the Russian Premier League put in. As such, he shares some of the most important points he’s learned for young players everywhere.

Increase kicking strength.

In soccer, kicking is as fundamental as anything else. The stronger a person’s kicking strength is, the more adept at the game he can become. Proper form should be practiced at all times. Alexander Sabadash also points out that players should practice with both legs.

Work on pace.

Pacing, or how a person controls his speed and how fast he can go, is as basic as kicking. According to Alexander Sabadash, the best players in the Russian Premier League (or any of the top leagues, for that matter) can go from a light jog to full sprint in the blink of an eye.

Practice ball control.

Ball control isn’t just confined to kicking. Alexander Sabadash points at dribbling, passing, juggling, and receiving as four of the essential skills every football player should have in his or her arsenal.

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