Soccer training: Make the weak foot stronger with these drills

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For this blog, Alexander Sabadash shares more drills on how to make the weak foot stronger for soccer.

1) Figure 8: The figure 8 drill is a great way to work on your weak foot and balance simultaneously. There are several versions of this exercise but focus on the routine that works equally inside and outside your weak foot. As you switch dribble, keep the ball at your feet.

2) Three Stations: This is a great drill for working on touch, control, and dribbling under pressure. It can be set up in different ways depending on what skill is most important to train.

3) Quick Turn: This drill focuses on the small muscles in your feet and works on explosively turning either way with or without using your arms for balance.

4) Juggling: Juggling is a great way to practice touch, control, accuracy, and quick reactions with both feet. In addition, it is a great conditioning drill as it can be done for extended periods.

5) Shooting: Shooting is an excellent way to work on accuracy and power from various distances. In addition, you can compete against yourself or with others in several games to make the shooting drill more competitive.

6) Finishing: Finishing focuses on finishing under pressure, accuracy, the timing of runs into the box, and accuracy of shots.

7) Soccer Tennis: Soccer tennis is a great way to work on quick reactions, touch, control, and passing accuracy without relying too much on others. It can be played with two people or more depending on available space.