Weathering with soccer: Playing in the rain

In countries like Russia, the weather can get a bit wet and cold for some months. However, that won’t stop Russians from enjoying the most beautiful game in the world, explains longtime soccer fan Alexander Sabadash. In fact, not just in Russia, but in so many other countries all over the world, people actually enjoy playing soccer in the rain.

For starters, having the rain come in is quite refreshing – as long as it’s not freezing. In hotter countries like Central and South America, soccer and the rain make for an exciting a fun time, especially for people playing the game leisurely. Children have that slip-‘n-slide experience, which gives a whole new dimension to the game, notes Alexander Sabadash.

That said, playing soccer in the rain is very different from playing it during dry weather. In the rain, everything moves slower, including the players. Balls, when kicked, don’t fly or bounce as high and don’t move as fast or as far as they usually would. This means that players would typically exert more effort to score or defend,

But going back to the point of simply being in the rain is enjoyable, playing soccer makes it much more so. That’s the beauty of the game, points out Alexander Sabadash. It can be played in almost any element (as long as it’s safe) and still be fun and healthy for everyone.