A look at rainy day soccer

Alexander Sabadash lives and breathes football. He plays with his friends and watches games on either the Russian Premier League, the English Premier League, or the Spanish La Liga, whenever he has free time from the rigors of college life.

Recently, Alexander Sabadash started a series of blogs in which he discusses the many aspects of the game he loves and the three leagues he religiously follows. This blog post will be about one of the most fun experiences people can ever have in their lives – playing a game of soccer in the pouring rain.

People have gotten used to watching soccer games during sunny afternoons, where almost all conditions are ideal. However, occasionally, people see a game on TV where players are drenched in the rain.

Alexander Sabadash explains that for people who love to play soccer regularly, there is a universe of difference between playing in the sun and playing in the rain.

First of all, the ground isn’t the same. It gets both muddy and slippery, making balance and speed a lot more challenging to achieve. Secondly, the ball doesn’t go as far and doesn’t bounce as high because of the puddles of water, which means players need to kick either harder or more.

However, Alexander Sabadash notes that all those challenges and all those difficulties get canceled out when people factor in all the fun they’re having.

Image source: unsplash.com

Image source: telegraph.co.uk