Price Hall, Petition to the Massachusetts Legislature (1777)

H: This was written during the time when America was trying to gain independence. This seemed to be taken during the battle of Saratoga, and slaves were also trying to gain independence so they wanted to help.

A: This was liekly targeted towards the congress to try to convince them for slaves to join the war. This was also likely targeted towards the general public and the American soldiers because Hall was trying to protest slave abolition, and he wanted the public to know what his plans were.

P: The author was an African man and was an aboitionist and leader in the free black community in Boston. He believed that slaves deserve freedom and wanted them to help gain independence from Britain. Because of his efforts, slaver was eventually abolishee in Massachusetts a few years after the Revolution.

P: The purpose of this letter was to try to abolish slavery. The goal was to try to convice people and soldeirs that slaves deserve better and they should be free. He tried to do many things such as allowing slaves to help fight in the war, etc.