HAPP 1(Beginnings of English America)

Richard Hakluyt, an Argument for Colonization from a Discourse Concerning Western Planting(1584)

H: This was written during the beginning of the English's colonization of America. During this period, England was competing with Spain for supremacy, and they wanted to undermine the Catholic church. They would also use the colonies for raw materials.

A: Richard Hakluyt was likely addressing the English government, especially the Queen, as they have not yet colonized in the Americas. Without the approval of the Queen, colonization would not be possible. Additionally, Richard Hakluyt was possibly hoping to appeal to the citizens, especially those who were in the middle classes, by promoting the idea of New World colonization. This will appeal to the citizens because they can have a new life, religious freedom, and a satisfying job.

P: Richard Hakluyt was a Protestant minister and scholar. After seeing the Spanish colonize America, he believed that it was vital for England to colonize there due to the numerous benefits colonization can provide. He is set on undermining the Catholic church and wants to spread Protestantism as much as possible.

P: The purpose of the excerpt was to seek approval from the Queen of England to establish colonies in America. The author presents many benefits such as natural resources, population control, and the opportunity for people to have religious freedom. He also proposes that they can ally with the Natives by liberating them from the Catholic religion and promote Protestantism. Most importantly he displays that England can be profitable with this colonization by sending unproductive citizens and putting them in labor.