Henry David Thoreau

H: Henry David Thoreau is a strong abolitionist who wants slavery to be gone and the exercpt is talking about the after effects of the Mexican American War. Moreover, he also discusses the controversy behind slavery and how it is expanding and the effects of civil disobedience on it.

P (purpose): Henry David Thoreau wrote this exercpt to inform the public of slavery and its expansion, as well as show that the government is becoming unstable, as a result of the civil disobedience on slavery. The article is promoting the idea of rebellion against the government peacefully to prevent the Mexican American war as well.

  • The Mexican American War affected the Abolitionist Movement, because of the violence used and how slavery was being impacted.

  • Refusal to pay the poll tax also affected the Abolitionist Movement, because it proved that Thoreau was demonstrating civil disobedience by rebelling nonviolently which helped progress the Abolitionist Movement and initialize it.

Author: We can infer that Henry David Thoreau is a strong advocate for abolishing slavery, because through his experiences, he has proven that he will rebel and will not pay taxes, because he wants to fight and end slavery altogether.

Time period: The time period is the 1850s. This document tells that the U.S government was using tarrifs to support the war, and that many people were devoted to the government

Historical Continuity: One historical continuity in this exercpt is Thoreau stating that we are a democracy and the people should all join together and fight to end slavery. The continuity is also the use of non-violence which is evident throughout history.