4-H STEM YOUniversity 

Unleashing the Power of 4-H STEM Projects 

We want you to join us in this exciting journey into the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). At YOUniveristy, we are passionate about fostering curiosity, creativity, and hands-on learning through engaging 4-H STEM projects. 

What you expect to find here on our page:

Join us as we explore, experiment, and innovate on this thrilling journey through our projects. Let's unlock the full potential of STEM education and create a brighter, more sustainable future! 

4-H Tech Changemakers

Creating the leaders of today

Empowering teenagers to assume leadership roles in providing digital skills training for adults within their communities. This initiative not only fosters collaboration between teens and adults but also empowers both age groups to play an active role in enhancing digital literacy and driving economic prosperity in their localities.

Cross Reality (XR) Farming System

Merge the Virtual with the Real

Step into the future of farming with our Cross-Reality project. Imagine building and managing a farm that you can control right from your phone! Experience the fascinating blend of virtual and real-world agriculture as you cultivate crops, manage resources, and observe the impact of your decisions. 

Lego Robotics

Discover the future in Robotics 

Unleash your imagination as you design and build your own robots using Lego bricks. Our projects provide a hands-on approach to programming, problem-solving, and teamwork. Engage in the process of crafting robotic creations this Lego bricks, where the journey of design transforms into a powerful educational exploration of innovation and collaboration. 

Underwater Robotics 

Exploration of the unknown

Dive into the realm of underwater robotics projects and explore the mysteries of the underwater world through innovative underwater robotics. Join us on this journey to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the waves, where the project serves to deepen the understanding of the complexities of underwater exploration and technology. 

Greenhouse Sustainability Energy Engineering Design (SEED) 

Nurturing Sustainable Futures

Explore the wonders of sustainable agriculture and technology with our Green SEED project. Learn how to build and optimize greenhouses for maximum efficiency. Discover the intersection of agriculture and environmental responsibility as we delve into techniques for creating sustainable and eco-friendly growing environments. 

Space Exploration

Go beyond this world

Immerse into the engaging, hands-on problem-solving activities. Delve into the fascinating realms of space, lunar, and planetary sciences. Through interactive and educational initiatives, enhance your understanding of scientific disciplines and build camaraderie in shared exploration that extends beyond geographical boundaries.

Drone Flying

Explore the sky

Open up to exploring potential careers involving drones. Gain insights into the rules governing drone usage and recreational flying regulations. The programs guide them through the steps for obtaining the TRUST certification, a valuable drone aviation credential. The Drone Project encourages interaction among participants as they navigate the exciting world of drones. 

Rocket Launching 

Embark on a journey of discorvery

Unleash your creativity as we delve into the intricacies of designing and constructing rockets, all while pondering ambitious questions, such as how to overcome the substantial challenges associated with interplanetary travel. Students will explore and apply science and mathematics ideas/tools, as well as their understanding of the principles governing motion, to craft a unique and specialized spacecraft.

STEM Ambassador 

Contribute your STEM skills and enthusiasm to benfit you county and community. Not only will you briger the gap between theoretical learning and real-world application, but you'll also receive training in STEM activities, leadership principles, and civic engagement. This unique role not only allows you to impart knowledge, but also helps with personal and professional growth.

Ag Ambassdor 

Represent the future

Embrace the role of an Agricultural Ambassador within your country and embark on a journey to impart your experiences, skills, and boundless enthusiasm to others. As an Ag Ambassador, you will not only have the opportunity to share your agricultural insights and for personal growth and development, equipping you with skills that extend well beyond the world of agriculture. 

4-H Ag Innovators Experience 

Serving as a catalyst, students are motivated to envision solutions for challenges within the Ag field. This program brings awareness to issues in agriculture but also encourages students to use their critical thinking skills. By recognizing and understanding challenges, students are encouraged to think of inventive and modern solutions to address complex issues. 

4-H STEM Challenge 

4-H’s annual initiative to inspire

Annual endeavor by 4-H to ignite curiosity and enthusiasm among children about STEM subjects through experiential learning. The challenges are hands-on activities is designed to explore diverse STEM topics, ranging from fundamental principles of physics and engineering to the application of computer science and the realm of space agriculture.