User profile: The GP tutor

by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

Created: 2023-12-03

Name: Dr. AJ

Occupation: General Practitioner (GP) Tutor

Location: UK



Pain Points:


User Story

"As a GP tutor, I want to be able to provide my students with the best possible learning experience. I want to be able to deliver high-quality GP tutoring sessions that are engaging, informative, and up-to-date. I also want to provide my students with access to various resources to help them succeed in their placement. I need a solution that is reliable, easy to use, and affordable. I would also appreciate support from a team of experienced GP tutors who can help me develop my teaching skills and stay current on the latest general practice developments."

User Journey

A typical day for Dr. AJ begins with checking their emails, responding to queries, and managing workflow. They then spend a few hours in a clinic with medical students seeing patients. Afterwards, they have a debrief session on the clinic, and they provide feedback to the students. In the afternoon, there is a tutorial with the students. They regularly meet with other GP tutors to share ideas and best practices.

Design Considerations

When designing a solution for Dr. AJ, it is essential to consider her needs and pain points. The solution should be easy to use and provide her access to various high-quality GP resources. It should also be flexible and adaptable to fit her teaching style. Additionally, the solution should provide her with support from a team of experienced GP tutors.


The demand for GP tutors is increasing as more and more medical students choose to pursue a career in general practice. However, there is a shortage of qualified GP tutors, and many are struggling to keep up with the demand. This is due in part to the fact that GP tutors are often overworked. Additionally, many GP tutors do not have access to the resources and support they need to deliver high-quality tutoring sessions.