Unprofessional behaviour: designing an online module

by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

Created: 2023-12-02

As a GP educator, I identified the need to address unprofessional behaviour among medical students. To effectively tackle this issue, I embarked on the development of an easy-to-use online module that provides practical strategies for educators.

To foster engagement and enhance learning outcomes, I employed a teach-and-test approach, aligning with the principles of the testing effect. This method introduces concepts and immediately assesses understanding, creating a sense of challenge and promoting deeper comprehension.

Considering simplicity and user-friendliness, Google Forms was chosen as the platform for the online module. Multiple drafts were meticulously crafted and refined based on feedback from educators and students, ensuring the module's effectiveness and accessibility.

To enhance authenticity and connect the learning experience to real-world situations, case-based scenarios were incorporated. This approach encourages meaningful learning by allowing participants to apply concepts to practical scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of unprofessional behaviour and its impact.

Intentionally avoiding videos, I ensured that the module could be completed on the go, without the need for audio. This decision was made to cater to the diverse learning preferences and accessibility needs of participants, enabling them to engage with the material at their convenience, regardless of their location or device.

Explanatory answers were provided alongside each question to reinforce key concepts and enhance learning outcomes. This approach proved to be beneficial, and I am currently exploring the possibility of incorporating more questions to further enhance understanding and provide more opportunities for practice.

The module effectively equips educators with the knowledge and skills to identify, assess, and address unprofessional behaviour among medical students. This is particularly important, as I have observed a lack of adequate support in this area, potentially leading to epistemic injustice for students who could benefit from better guidance.

To ensure the module's relevance and effectiveness, I initially developed a user profile of a GP tutor and brainstormed ideas based on insights from previous modules. This approach allowed me to tailor the content to the specific needs and challenges faced by GP educators.

Overall, the design thinking approach has proven to be an effective tool for developing engaging and impactful online learning modules. By following a structured and iterative process, I was able to create a resource that addresses a critical need in medical education and provides educators with the tools they need to effectively address unprofessional behaviour among students.