Case: designing how might we questions for hybrid learning encounters

by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

Created: 2023-11-10

Initial framing of the question 

How might innovative methods of clinical teaching help us meet the challenge of expanding student placements in a system already at capacity?

Further iterations  

"How might we" questions should be formulated as open-ended prompts that encourage divergent thinking and avoid prematurely narrowing the scope of possible solutions. They should be grounded in a deep understanding of human needs and aspirations."

Here are alternatives

How might we help students who join remotely feel like they belong to the in-person consultation?

Remote students need more opportunities to interact with their instructors and peers in meaningful ways that foster a sense of community and belonging. How might we design remote learning experiences that promote social presence and collaboration among students and instructors?

Remote students may feel less motivated and engaged in their learning when they perceive that they are not valued or recognised for their contributions. How might we provide remote students with timely and constructive feedback that acknowledges their efforts and achievements?

Remote students may face additional challenges and barriers that affect their ability to access and participate in remote learning, such as a lack of reliable internet, devices, or a conducive learning environment. How might we address the digital divide and ensure that remote students have equitable access to the resources and support they need to succeed?
