Teaching the basics 

by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

Created 2023-11-08

During a recent workshop with educators, one participant shared their insights on the challenges of teaching basic concepts to medical students, particularly in the early years of their training. This observation resonated with me, and I agree that making the basics more accessible to teach is essential. It made me curious about how we can use design thinking principles to enhance the learning experience for these students.

Key Ideas

Insights for Design Thinking

Implications for Design Thinking in Medical Education

Design thinking principles can be effectively applied to enhance the teaching of basic concepts in medical education. By adopting a user-centered approach, medical educators can create more engaging, relevant, and effective learning experiences for students.


Metaphors are powerful ways to convey complex ideas in simple and memorable ways. 

Learning the basics on a course is like laying the foundation for a building. You need to have a solid and stable base before you can construct the rest of the structure. Without the basics, your learning will be shaky and unstable

Learning the basics on a course is like planting a seed in fertile soil. You need to provide the right conditions for the seed to germinate and grow. The basics are the nutrients and water that nourish the seed and help it sprout. Without the basics, your learning will be stunted and withered

Learning the basics on a course is like unlocking a door to a new room. You need to have the right key to open the door and access the room. The basics are the key that fits the lock and allows you to enter. Without the basics, your learning will be limited and confined1


Thanprasertsuk, S., Jumrustanasan, T., Somboonkusolsil, L., Khwanjaipanich, S., Sukkee, J., Watanatada, P., Qureshi, S.P., Bongsebandhu-phubhakdi, S., 2021. The concept-sharing approach: a teaching strategy to promote objective-oriented learning and academic performance in medical students. Advances in Physiology Education 45, 369–375. https://doi.org/10.1152/advan.00151.2020