Unveiling the illusion: lessons from the wizard of Oz scene

Toto's act of pulling back the curtain represents the unveiling of illusion and the confrontation of reality. Dorothy and her companions, like many of us in life, had placed their hopes and dreams on an external figure, believing the Wizard held the power to grant their deepest desires. However, Toto's simple action exposes the truth, revealing the Wizard as a fallible human, just like themselves.

Other lessons from the Wizard of Oz 

Recognizing Our Own Strength and Potential

The scene challenges our tendency to look for external validation and fulfillment. It reminds us that the power to achieve our dreams and desires often lies within ourselves, not in the hands of some external authority. Toto's act of uncovering the truth serves as a catalyst for Dorothy and her companions to recognize their own strength and potential.

Questioning Authority and Challenging Assumptions

Toto's action also encourages us to question authority and challenge assumptions. The Wizard, despite his grand appearance and intimidating voice, was ultimately a fraud. His power was based on deception and manipulation, rather than genuine ability. Toto's act emboldens us to critically examine the figures of authority in our lives and to question the assumptions we hold about them.

Embracing Our Inner Wisdom and Intuition

Toto's act can also be seen as a symbol of our inner wisdom and intuition. Sometimes, the answers we seek lie not in external sources, but within our own hearts and minds. Toto's act of following his instincts and uncovering the truth serves as a reminder to trust our inner guidance and to not be swayed by external appearances.

Taking Responsibility for Our Own Happiness

In the end, Dorothy and her companions realize that they don't need the Wizard to grant their wishes. They already possess the qualities they desire: the Scarecrow's wisdom, the Tin Man's heart, and the Lion's courage. Toto's act serves as a wake-up call, urging them to take responsibility for their own happiness and to cultivate these qualities within themselves.

Toto's simple act of pulling back the curtain has far-reaching implications, reminding us to question authority, embrace our own strength, and trust our inner wisdom. His action serves as a powerful metaphor for personal growth and empowerment, encouraging us to take charge of our lives and shape our own destinies.


Sandars, J. and Poh Sun Goh (2020). Design Thinking in Medical Education: The Key Features and Practical Application. Journal of medical education and curricular development, [online] 7, p.238212052092651-238212052092651. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/2382120520926518

GreyAlien7 (2006). Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWyCCJ6B2WE  [Accessed 5 Nov. 2023].