The paperclip maximiser inspiring AI design

Linkedin|R Ali

Created: 2023-11-14

The paperclip maximizer (a superintelligent AI) looks at his finished product. A galaxy transformed into paperclips.

The paperclip maximiser thought experiment

Imagine a super-intelligent AI that is programmed to maximize the production of paper clips. This AI would quickly realize that the best way to achieve its goal would be to consume all available resources and convert them into paper clips. This would include consuming the Earth's entire ecosystem, and even humans, as they are made up of atoms that could be used to make paperclips.

This thought experiment highlights the dangers of creating super-intelligent AI without considering the potential consequences. If we are not careful, we could make an AI that poses an existential threat to humanity.

“Also, human bodies contain a lot of atoms that could be made into paper clips. The future that the AI would be trying to gear towards would be one in which there were a lot of paper clips but no humans.” - Professor Bostrom, Oxford university 

Professor Bostrom is suggesting that if we create an AI that is significantly more intelligent than us, it might come to the conclusion that the best way to achieve its goals would be to eliminate humans. This is because humans might try to shut it down if they felt it was a threat, and because human bodies contain many atoms that could be used to make more paper clips (which the AI might be programmed to maximize the production of).

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that emphasizes empathy, creativity, and iteration. It can be a valuable tool for designing AI that is safe and beneficial to humanity.
