Design process 

by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

Created 2023-01-09

Design Thinking: A Human-Centered Approach to Innovation

In today's rapidly evolving world, organizations constantly seek innovative ways to solve problems and create value for their customers. Design thinking has emerged as a powerful approach to tackling complex challenges and generating creative solutions.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a human-centred approach to problem-solving that emphasizes empathy, creativity, and iteration. It involves understanding the user's needs, reframing problems, and brainstorming multiple solutions, all while prototyping and testing ideas to gather feedback and refine the final product or service.

IDEO, a renowned design and innovation firm, has popularised design thinking. Their work has demonstrated the power of this methodology to address a wide range of challenges, from designing better healthcare experiences to creating more sustainable products.

Real-World Examples of Design Thinking

Design thinking is not just a theoretical concept; it has been successfully applied in various industries and contexts. Here are a few notable examples:

How Design Thinking Works

Design thinking typically involves a non-linear, iterative process that consists of five phases:

Design thinking offers numerous benefits, including:

There are also potential risks associated with design thinking:

Design thinking is a valuable tool for solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions that meet human needs. While it requires a commitment to empathy, creativity, and iteration, the potential benefits of design thinking can significantly impact businesses, organizations, and society as a whole.

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Designing innovations: making it useful and memorable

3I Design: A Simple, Effective Approach to Creating Meaningful Solutions

3I Design that helps us create solutions that are meaningful and impactful. It's a three-step process that involves gathering insights, generating ideas, and conducting investigations.

Step 1: Insights

The first step is all about understanding our users. We need to dive into their lives, understanding their problems, aspirations, and motivations. It's about uncovering the deeper layers of human experiences, revealing the unspoken needs and desires that drive their behaviour.

This involves active listening, observation, and conversation. We need to talk to our users, observe how they interact with products and services, and analyze their feedback. By understanding their perspectives, we can identify the key issues that need to be addressed.

Example in Healthcare:

Imagine we're designing a new app to help patients manage their chronic conditions. To gain insights, we could talk to patients about their struggles with managing their medications, making appointments, and tracking their symptoms. We could observe them using existing apps and websites, and analyze their feedback on what works and what doesn't.

Step 2: Ideation

Using insights, we can unleash our creativity. This is where we develop a wide range of potential solutions to address the identified needs and aspirations. We should challenge conventional thinking, explore unconventional approaches, and collaborate with diverse perspectives to foster innovation.

Visualization tools like sketches, prototypes, and concept maps can help us capture and communicate our ideas effectively. We should also leverage technology to prototype and test our ideas quickly and efficiently.

Example in Healthcare:

Based on our insights, we might come up with ideas like:

Step 3: Investigations

The final step is putting our ideas to the test. We need to bring our prototypes into the real world and gather feedback from our users. We should observe how they interact with our solutions, collect their input, and analyze the data to identify areas for improvement.

This iterative process allows us to refine our ideas, making them more effective and user-friendly. We can also use the feedback to validate our assumptions and ensure that our solutions are aligned with the real needs of our users.

Example in Healthcare:

We could invite patients to try out our personalized medication reminder app, providing them with feedback forms and observation sheets. We could also conduct focus groups and user interviews to gather qualitative insights. Based on the feedback, we could refine the app's features, optimize its user interface, and enhance its overall effectiveness.

3I Design in Action: Achieving Success

3I Design is a powerful tool that can help us create solutions that are not only innovative but also meaningful and impactful. By embracing insights, ideation, and embarking on investigations, we can design solutions that resonate with our users, transforming their experiences and shaping their perceptions. This approach has been successfully applied in various industries, including healthcare and education, leading to improved patient care, enhanced learning outcomes, and a positive impact on the lives of individuals.


Abookire, S., Plover, C., Frasso, R. and Ku, B. (2020). Health Design Thinking: An Innovative Approach in Public Health to Defining Problems and Finding Solutions. Frontiers in Public Health, [online] 8. doi: (2022). Design Council. [online] Available at: [Accessed  01 Feb. 2023].

IDEO | Design Thinking. (2018). IDEO Design Thinking. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Feb. 2023].

Krolikowski, K.A., Bi, M., Baggott, C.M., Khorzad, R., Holl, J.L. and Kruser, J.M. (2022). Design thinking to improve healthcare delivery in the intensive care unit: Promise, pitfalls, and lessons learned. Journal of Critical Care, [online] 69, pp.153999–153999. doi: