The Sorcerer's Apprentice

by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

Created 2023-05-07

With great power comes great responsibility

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a segment from the 1940 Disney animated film Fantasia, based on the poem of the same name by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the musical piece by Paul Dukas. It stars Mickey Mouse as the titular apprentice.

Mickey Mouse was an apprentice to a great sorcerer named Yen Sid. One day, Mickey was tasked with emptying a large cauldron of water. Tired of doing the chore by himself, Mickey used his magic to bring a broom to life and have it do the work for him.

The broom worked quickly and efficiently, and Mickey was soon able to sit back and relax. However, he soon realized that he had lost control of the broom. The broom began to fill the cauldron faster and faster, and Mickey frantically tried to stop it. But it was too late. The cauldron overflowed, flooding the room.

When Yen Sid returned, he was not happy. He scolded Mickey for his carelessness and taught him a valuable lesson about the dangers of magic. Mickey learned his lesson and vowed to be more responsible with his powers in the future.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a classic Disney animated short that is both entertaining and educational. It is a cautionary tale about the dangers of magic, but it is also a celebration of the power of imagination.

Key ideas and problems:

Design thinking and the Sorcerer's Apprentice:

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Examples of design thinking in action:

Design thinking involves learning about complex issues. Stories are useful shared learning experiences.Â