Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Design Thinking: Insights

Case Vignette

Embarking on a project to improve online learning, you recognize the importance of insights to understand complex challenges and develop effective solutions.

This sparked your interest in exploring the concept of insights and its relationship to data, information, and knowledge. You're eager to learn how to uncover insights and integrate them into the design process.

Decoding Insights: A Journey of Discovery

Insights represent a profound understanding of a situation, deeply rooted in human-centred perspectives. They often reveal hidden, unmet needs, carrying significant psychosocial dimensions. Derived from meaningful connections between situational information and users' emotional, cognitive, and social aspects, insights illuminate the true essence of human behaviour.

Metaphorical Explorations: Unearthing Hidden Gems

To grasp the elusive nature of insights, consider the metaphor of a miner painstakingly excavating rock layers to uncover precious stones. Similarly, we navigate the depths of human behaviour, meticulously seeking insights that, like gems, are rare and valuable, possessing the power to illuminate our understanding of the world.

Peeling Back the Layers: Unveiling Hidden Truths

Another metaphor aptly describes insights as the layers of an onion. As we peel away the onion's outer layers, we reveal its true essence. In a parallel fashion, through the systematic gathering and analysis of data, we peel back the layers of human behaviour, uncovering the deeper motivations that drive people's actions.

Insights in Action: A Medical Education Example

Consider the example of students in remote learning settings who often feel disconnected from their in-person peers. They may perceive a diminished ability to contribute effectively to the learning process, fostering feelings of isolation, frustration, and a lack of belonging. These perceptions can negatively impact their academic performance and overall well-being, contributing to a decline in student engagement and motivation.


Taking the first example 

Harnessing Insights: Empowering Design Thinking

Insights serve as tools in design thinking, enabling designers to:

Features of insights 

How to find insights using the design thinking process

1. Gather Knowledge: Begin by thoroughly reviewing existing research and case studies to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field.

2. Deepen Empathy: Immerse yourself in your users' experiences through conversations and interviews to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges.

3. Synthesize Information: Distill the gathered information from research and user interactions to identify key patterns and connections.

4. Collaborate for Insights: Work with your team to brainstorm and identify novel links between information that may lead to new insights.

5. Spark Ideas through Ideation: Engage in ideation sessions to push boundaries, challenge assumptions, and generate fresh perspectives that may spark valuable insights.

6. Prototype and Gather Feedback: Create prototypes to test and refine your ideas, gathering feedback from both the team and users to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your solutions.

7. Refine through Iteration: Continuously refine your insights through an iterative process of gathering feedback, adapting your ideas, and testing again until you arrive at the most effective solutions.

THRIVE (a design company) suggest Key Characteristics of Insights that form a working definition

THRIVE suggests five steps to identifying insights 

IDEO (a design company) suggests three qualities of good insights 

These three qualities – informative, inspiring, and memorable – are the cornerstones of powerful insights. By cultivating these qualities, we can uncover hidden truths about human behaviour and transform them into actionable tools for innovation and positive change.

Comparison of data, information, needs, insights, and wisdom 

Wisdom and insights are valuable assets that help us make better decisions and live more fulfilling lives. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Wisdom is a broader concept that encompasses knowledge, experience, and understanding. It is the ability to see the big picture, to make sound judgments, and to offer sage advice. Wisdom is often acquired over time, through learning from our mistakes and successes, and from observing the world around us.

Insights, however, are more specific moments of clarity or understanding. They are often realizations that help us see things in a new light. Insights can come from anywhere – from reading a book to watching a movie to having a conversation with a friend.


Hollister, B., Nair, P., Sloan Hill-Lindsay and Chukoskie, L. (2022). Engagement in Online Learning: Student Attitudes and Behavior During COVID-19. Frontiers in Education, [online] 7. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.851019

Quinn, C. (2018). Why Generating Insights is an Important Skill. [online] IDEO U. Available at: https://www.ideou.com/blogs/inspiration/why-is-generating-insights-an-important-skill  [Accessed 6 Nov. 2023].

Thrive. (2023). What Is Insight? The 5 Principles of Insight Definition - Thrive. [online] Available at: https://thrivethinking.com/2023/01/06/what-is-insight-the-5-principles-of-insight-definition/  [Accessed 6 Nov. 2023].