The Statue & The Stone


  • Take some time as a group to gather and socialize.


Consider having 2-3 people open in prayer and focus prayer on VCC and/or community needs such as:

  • VCC Regathering from COVID

  • Spiritual and emotional well-being of VCC congregation while we’re in this long period of isolation from “community”

  • Inklings connections and outreach into the community

  • Folks who have been impacted by COVID and/or the fires


What challenges do you face in your life living in a non-Christian or post-Christian culture, in particular in those areas when you’re not surrounded by a community of believers?


How has your heart toward “the city” (whether that’s a part of or the whole Tri-Valley or California itself) been affected by Joe’s sermon on Jeremiah 29:1-14 from last Sunday?


You will note that we’re trying something different in this weeks discussion questions. These are intended to be more of a “menu of possible questions” from which you may choose a few that seem most appropriate for your group’s needs. So we would recommend that you review these questions in advance and select perhaps 3-5 questions that you intend to use to facilitate discussion.

As you consider the questions you want to use to get discussion going in your group, keep the following in mind:

  1. The Understanding questions are designed to refresh your group's memory about the text. These can be answered fairly briefly without a need for longer discussion.

  2. Application questions are structured to draw out the ways the text, as preached, calls us to live. You should make a strong effort in your group to point people to Scripture as they’re discussing these.

  3. We’ve built out Personal Sharing questions that connect with the sermon, but make a more conscious effort to allow the members of your group to know each other better. These help to build a sense of trust by giving people a chance to share their lived experiences.

We pray that as you consider which of these questions work best for your group that God blesses your time together so that the Word of Christ “dwells in you more richly” and you become “knit together in love” as a community.

Daniel Reveals the Dream

READ: Daniel 2:31-35


What did the statue look like? What are its main features?


When you’ve been compelled to share an insight you’ve had about a situation in someone’s life, how do you ensure what you share is filtered through God’s revelation to us in His Word?

Daniel Interprets the Dream

READ: Daniel 2:36-45


What did the statue represent? What was the significance of the “stone made without human hands?” (Heath drew some lessons from Jesus parable in Matthew 21:42-46)


What do we learn from the dream?

  • Human kingdoms are temporary

  • God’s kingdom is here now AND coming

  • God’s kingdom is unhurried but certain

  • God’s kingdom is humble and victorious

The kingdom comes in humble ways.” What does it practically look like to do the work God calls us to following Christ’s humble example?


How do these truths make a difference in my daily life?

God’s timetable is not our timetable.” What has helped you wait on God’s timing in life, thinking to those circumstances where it was frustrating to wait?

Daniel is Exalted

READ: Daniel 2:46-49


What in the text indicates the heart change in Nebuchadnezzar?


What two key words did Heath share to summarize our response to Daniel 2? See Matthew 6:33 and Lord’s Prayer.

Heath’s two takeaways were:

  1. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

  2. Pray daily for His heavenly kingdom to come to earth.

How might someone invest in building their own kingdom? How do we partner with Christ in kingdom building?


Am I spending more time and resources building my Kingdom or God's kingdom?

When have you reoriented your time, energies or resources to be more mindful of your calling to build God’s kingdom?


Whether you are meeting together or not, check in with one another to make sure that everyone is cared for and has what they need. Does someone in your group need help with grocery shopping, childcare, or caring for themselves? Keep a list of the ways you can provide care as a comGroup.

Remember that the Benevolence Ministry is a resource for our comGroups.

  • How can we love or serve one another this week?