

Have someone read Deuteronomy 6:4-9 aloud (or divide it between your group). After you read it, spend a minute or two silently reflecting on the passage. Then spend some time praying as a group for anything that this passage draws to your mind or stirs up in your heart.


Try to think of some practical needs you can share to give others the opportunity to step up and love you. It's okay if it takes some time to get comfortable with this. It takes time and practice to be vulnerable with one another... but amazing things happen when we are. Remember that the Benevolence Ministry is a resource for our comGroups.

  • How can we love or serve one another this week?


  • Did you have an opportunity to connect with a neighbor this week?
  • What fears did you have about reaching out to them? How did those fears play out?



  • What stands out to you from this passage?
  • What criticism might Jesus have received for stopping to help this woman?
  • What stands out to you about Jesus' response to this woman?

Hurry is an enemy of loving our neighbor

  • How do you tend to respond when you are interrupted?
  • Is there any criticism you might receive for slowing down to be more interruptible?

You can’t live at warp speed without warping your relationships (with God & neighbor)

  • How does hurry warp your relationship with God?
  • How does hurry warp your relationships with other people?

How to be interruptible

  1. Schedule breathing room into your week
  2. Submit your daily agenda to God’s direction
  3. Fact check your time analysis
  4. Trust that God can redeem “lost” time
  5. Look for loving interruptions
  6. Take walks around your neighborhood
  7. Be willing to interrupt your neighbor

  • Which of these practices seem reasonable and helpful to you?
  • Which of these practices seem unreasonable to you?

Take some time to reflect on each of the following questions before answering?

  • How much "breathing room" do you currently have in your week?
  • How often do you feel your week is overwhelming or unmanageable? How do you respond when you feel that way?
  • What parts of your weekly routine cause you to feel the most stressed and hurried?
  • Is there anything in your weekly routine that could be removed to give you more breathing room?
  • What fears or challenges come to mind about eliminating these things from your life?
  • In what ways can we help one another to create more breathing room in our lives?


1. Spend a few moments with God each morning this week to ask him to prepare you for any interruptions that may come that day.

2. At least once this week, take a walk around your neighborhood with the intention of connecting with some of your neighbors.

Remember, this is not about feeling guilty or pressured to reach out. This is a way for us to be intentional in our pursuit of the Jesus life, and to help, encourage, and celebrate with one another as we follow the way of Jesus.


End your time by having someone read Matthew 22:37-39 aloud. Spend some time silently reflecting on this passage before you close in prayer.