When Jesus Delighted In God

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Have someone read Colossians 3:12-15 aloud. After you read it, spend a minute or two silently reflecting on the passage. Then spend some time praying as a group for anything that this passage draws to your mind or stirs up in your heart.


Try to think of some practical needs you can share to give others the opportunity to step up and love you. It's okay if it takes some time to get comfortable with this. It takes time and practice to be vulnerable with one another... but amazing things happen when we are. Remember that the Benevolence Ministry is a resource for our comGroups.

  • How can we love or serve one another this week?



  • Did you feel connected to the life, love, or joy of the Trinity at all this week?
  • What did that look like?
  • Did the practice from this week help to cultivate that connection?



  • What stands out to you from this passage?
  • Why do you think Jesus commanded his followers to go with no money, food, or sandals?
  • What does it mean that the Kingdom of God has come near? How would you describe the Kingdom of God?
  • Why do you think Jesus refers to his followers as little children? What does this communicate about followers of Jesus?
  • You don't have to be wise or powerful or rich to come into the kingdom of God. Jesus can reveal the Father to anyone he chooses. How might this have been offensive to some of Jesus' listeners? How would this have been good news for some of Jesus listeners?
  • Do you think that message is still offensive today?
  • What stands out to you from this statement?
  • How would you put this statement into your own words?
  • Pastor Dane shared that this means Jesus shows us what God is like. God has revealed who he is in the person of Jesus. Do you ever struggle to believe this?
  • Are there any hidden motives you believe God has for you?
  • What experiences in your life might be contributing to those beliefs?
  • Pastor Dane shared that following Jesus means doing the next right thing as we walk with the Spirit. Is there something that came to mind as pastor Dane shared this?


Put this slide into practice this week. Remind yourself of these four truths. Come back next week to share how this affected your experience of God.


End your time by having someone read Matthew 11:28-30 aloud. Spend some time silently reflecting on this passage before you close in prayer.