This Week


"I Am" Poems for comGroups



Have one person in your comGroup share their "I Am" Poem with the group.

After they share, ask them if there is anything about their poem they would like to clarify or give more detail to.

Next, allow ample time for your group to engage with the person about their poem. Ask the following questions one at a time, letting each person in the group ask questions or share before moving on to the next question.

  1. What questions do you have for the person who shared their poem? What about their poem would you like them to clarify or give more detail about?

  2. What is (at least) one thing from this person's poem that you identify with?

  3. What is (at least) one thing from this person's poem that you find to be unique or special?

Be sure to determine who will be sharing their poem next week so they have time to prepare.

02.02.20 I Am Poem.docx-4.pdf