

Have someone read 1 John 4:11-12 aloud. After you read it, spend a minute or two silently reflecting on the passage. Then spend some time praying as a group for anything that 1 John 4:11-12 draws to your mind or stirs up in your heart.


  • Can you share an experience of feeling very welcomed by another person or group?
  • Can you share an experience of feeling very unwelcomed by another person or group?
  • What do you do to make your home welcoming for other people?
  • What makes you feel most welcome when you visit someone else’s home?


Romans 15:1-7


  • What stands out to you from this passage?
  • Why is giving up our preferences such a crucial part of welcoming one another?
  • Have you ever had someone give up their preferences for your good? How did you respond?
  • Have you ever given up your preferences for the good of someone else? What was the outcome?
  • What are some active steps we could take in putting others before our own preferences?

Christ Welcomes us Graciously

  • Have you ever felt like there were certain parts of your life you had to keep hidden from someone? Have you ever felt this way in the church?
  • What has helped you to experience that Christ sees every part of you and loves you fully?

Christ Welcomes us Generously

  • How can welcoming cost us? What things may you need to be willing to give up or put on hold to welcome others?
  • What is a practical step you can take toward letting go of these things?

Christ Welcomes us Gloriously

  • How has the way you have been welcomed or unwelcomed by another person affected your view of God?
  • How do you think God is glorified when we welcome one another?
  • In what ways might our comGroup feel unwelcoming to someone?
  • Are there any barriers or expectations people have to meet to be welcomed in our comGroup?
  • What are some ways that our comGroup can become more welcoming?


End your time by having someone read 1 Peter 4:8-9 aloud. Spend some time silently reflecting on this passage before you close in prayer.