

Have someone read Ephesians 4:32 aloud. After you read it, spend a minute or two silently reflecting on the passage. Then spend some time praying as a group for anything that this passage draws to your mind or stirs up in your heart.


  • Is there a story from a book or movie that stands out to you as a powerful example of forgiveness?
  • How do you feel about the expression forgive and forget?
  • Is there a meaningful experience you have had with forgiveness that you are comfortable sharing?


Have someone offer a prayer asking for grace, discernment, and vulnerability as this discussion may stir up wounds from past hurts or unresolved issues.


  • Which of these do you think is most difficult for you personally? Why do you think this aspect of forgiveness is so difficult?
  • How can withholding forgiveness dehumanize a person? Have you ever felt dehumanized by someone refusing to forgive you?
  • Does God's forgiveness for you affect the way you extend forgiveness to others?
  • Do you see any of these present in your own life? Is there one that you see as especially evident in your own life?
  • Are there any fears or strong emotions that arise when you consider forgiving someone who has hurt you?
  • Have you experienced any negative effects from refusing to forgive someone in your own life?
  • What is the power of forgiveness? What happens to our own selves, our relationships, our communities when we choose to forgive those who have hurt us?


Matthew 18:21-35


After reading the passage aloud, allow some time for people to reread the passage on their own.

  • What is your emotional reaction to this parable?
  • Is there any part of this parable that especially sticks out to you?


Spend a few minutes in silent reflection with God. As you are reflecting with God, consider these questions:

  • Is there someone in my life that I am withholding forgiveness from? How would God have me respond to this person?
  • Is there someone in my life that I need to ask for forgiveness? How would God have me approach this person?


End your time by having someone read Colossians 3:12-13 aloud. Spend some time silently reflecting on this passage before you close in prayer.