Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Calligraphy Workshop

The faculty and staff of NTTCHP participated in an engaging workshop on calligraphy, led by the renowned Prof. Dots. This workshop provided faculty and staff with an opportunity to explore the art and technique of calligraphy, enhancing their creative skills and attention to detail. Prof. Dots guided through the basics of calligraphy, including the proper use of tools, the formation of elegant letterforms, and the importance of rhythm and flow in their writing.

The hands-on experience allowed faculty and staff to practice and refine their skills under the expert supervision of Prof. Dots, fostering a sense of accomplishment and a deeper appreciation for this timeless art form. The workshop not only enriched their artistic capabilities but also promoted a sense of community and collaboration among the participants. 

2024 Flu Vaccine for Faculty and Staff

We are pleased to announce that the Dean of the NTTCHP  is spearheading the 2024 Flu Vaccine Campaign for all faculty and staff members. As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting health and well-being within our community, we are prioritizing the proactive prevention of influenza. Thank you Dean Meflor A. Atienza

HOP | Recreational Activities

Mobile Photography workshop with Doc. Nemuel S. Fajutagana

Doc. Nemuel S. Fajutagana recently conducted an inspiring mobile photography workshop for the faculty and staff of NTTCHP. This interactive session aimed to enhance participants' skills in capturing high-quality images using their smartphones.

Doc. Fajutagana covered essential topics such as composition, lighting, and editing techniques, providing practical tips and tricks to make the most of mobile photography. Attendees had the chance to practice their newly acquired skills through hands-on activities, guided by Doc. Fajutagana's expert feedback. The workshop not only boosted their confidence in mobile photography but also encouraged creative expression and visual storytelling, fostering a vibrant and collaborative learning environment. 

UP Manila Volleyball sports fest

Congratulations to Divine L Maling (5th to the left) for joining the UPM Volleyball sports fest! It's a fantastic achievement to represent your college in such a event, and have a wonderful and successful experience on the volleyball court. Best of luck to Divine L Maling and the entire team!  

UP Manila Badminton sports fest

Congratulations to our NTTCHP staff (Claire D. Pastor and Denisse Alyssa T. Peralta) for their impressive second-place finish in the UP Manila Badminton sports fest. It's a testament of their hard work, dedication, and skill in the sport. Their efforts and teamwork paid off, and this achievement is something to be proud of on their well-deserved success! 🏸🥈👏