From top left to right: Edilberto A. Janolo, Patrozenda E. Del Rosario, Leonard B. Maruquin, Divinagracia L. Maling, Claire D. Pastor, Denisse Alyssa Peralta,  Nina F. Yanilla, Armando B. Cervantes, Fredrick B. Dantes, Alvin Y. Aribe
From bottom left to right: Nemuel S. Fajutagana, Ma. Lourdes Dorothy S. Salvacion, Monica H. Walet, Maria Elizabeth M. Grageda, Erlyn A. Sana, Melflor A. Atienza, Emely D. Dicolen, Frederick S. Nieto 

The National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions or NTTCHP is the second youngest college of UP Manila. It was founded on 30 January 1975 by the UP Board of Regents in recognition of the need for professional training of health professionals to engage in effective teaching, research, and extension service. 

Since the first semester of 1980–1981, NTTCHP became a degree-granting graduate college of UP Manila when it started to offer the Master in Health Professions Education (MHPEd) degree. From first semester 2001–2002, the curriculum evolved into a ladder-type post graduate program from the Basic Course in Health Professions Education (BCHPEd), to the Diploma (DHPEd), and the MHPEd.  As of the end of second semester 2021-2022, the college has graduated 55 BCHPEd, 153  DHPEd and 210 MHPEd. 

In 2020, the Doctor of Health Professions Education program (DrHPEd) was approved. In September of the same year the ladder-type program was revised and became two master's programs, the Master in Health Professions Education (Professional track) and the Master of Arts in Health Professions Education (Academic track).   


The NTTCHP as the recognized Center of Excellence in health professions education in the Asia-Pacific Region


1.     Develop educational program designers, evaluators, researchers, and leaders

2.     Advocate best practice in all educational settings

3.     Generate new knowledge for the advancement of health professions education

Institutional Goals

1.     Offer globally competitive and recognized programs in health professions education

2.     Produce a critical mass of competent facilitators of learning across all settings

3.     Create a pool of experts in curriculum planning, educational evaluation, assessment, and management

4.     Conduct relevant and transformative studies in health professions education

5.     Generate new knowledge for the advancement of health professions education

6.     Produce researchers and scholars in health professions education

7.     Serve as model of good governance of institutions of higher education