Carlson UG Fall 2020 Plans

Updated: November 30, 2020

Need help? Our front desk staff is currently working remotely, but we’re still available via Zoom! Visit our virtual front desk, open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

We are proud of the resiliency our Carlson School community has shown over the past several months. While all of us would love to resume normal campus life, we unfortunately are not yet free of COVID-19, as we continue to see cases across the country and world. Instead, it is clear that we will have to deal with this pandemic's uncertainty for some time. Knowing this, we are preparing for a blend of in-person and remote/online classes and work, while keeping our Guiding Principle of We Before I top of mind.

We will respect different circumstances facing our community members so they can choose modes of study and work that suit them best. In returning to campus, we will collectively embrace ways of living, learning, and working that protect each other, including social distancing guidelines, wearing masks in public places, and following cleaning protocols. In everything we do, we will continue to prioritize and support the health and safety of all students, staff, and faculty.

Student Services

Academic advising: Schedule an appointment online or by emailing

Career Coaching: Schedule an appointment online or by emailing

Carlson School Counselor check-ins: Schedule an appointment by emailing Donna Kulakowski at or

Instruction updates

Update from One Stop on Viewing & Changing Your Schedule

You can now view and make adjustments to your Fall 2020 class schedule on MyU: Academics. Courses have been updated to reflect the formats that have been selected for your classes (in-person, remote, online, and blended). As in past years, class schedules are subject to change, and you are encouraged to check your schedule again prior to the first class meeting.

Details on class formats, how to read your schedule, and how to search for classes in a specific instructional format are available in the Class Format Guide in MyU.

For more information and the full email>>

Faculty planning & technology upgrades

Each of you likely experienced the disruption to spring semester in different ways. We want you to know through our planning and work this summer—which was informed by lessons we learned this spring semester—we are confident that students will be able to connect effectively with faculty, other students, and the world-class support services of our staff this fall. We know that the experience will not be the same as other semesters, but we are committed to delivering a very engaging and high quality experience.

Carlson School faculty has been working hard this summer to use all of the tools at their disposal to plan engaging and effective courses. In a partnership with our information technology and instructional design teams, instructors have been attending additional training. The Carlson School is also working to upgrade the technology in our classrooms in preparation for Fall 2020 so that students may participate seamlessly in real-time coursework. Please watch the following clip for an example of what this would look like from a student perspective both in person and remote.

Classroom capacity

We are making sure we can deliver multiple types of instruction and meet public health guidelines for physical distancing, which includes utilizing information from the University regarding seating capacity for our various classrooms. That means, for our Carlson School classrooms, we're able to operate at about 25% capacity. As you can see here, a classroom that historically has space for 67 will only seat 18 students spaced six feet apart. We are working to see how many classes we can teach in person based on space, faculty preferences, and pedagogical logic.

Course modalities & definitions

We know you may have been hoping for or expecting many of your classes to be in person, but all Carlson School instructors are committed to providing courses in which students will interact with instructors in real-time, whether a student is physically present or joining remotely. When we talk about multiple formats for classes, we mean that in every possible permutation. Your Carlson School classes are likely to be either “blended” or “remote.”

For example, in a blended Carlson School course, faculty may choose to meet with half of the students in the classroom on one day, and the other half on the other day. On the days that you are not physically in the classroom, you will be able to attend virtually and participate with the students and faculty in the classroom. Students who cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness or quarantining requirements can attend the required sessions in a virtual format.

A remote Carlson School course means all instruction will be fully online, but with set meeting patterns. Students must be online at the scheduled days and times. In addition, instructors may provide supplemental content that students can engage with any time or within a certain time frame. The instructors might be available for limited in-person interactions. However, in-person interactions will be optional if available.


One of the reasons we needed to move I-Core to a remote experience was because of classroom space. Since most of our I-Core sections have around 90 students in them, we don't have the choice of offering it in a classroom due to classroom capacity. At the same time, we know that I-Core is a signature experience and a really important semester. We have been working closely with the I-Core faculty to envision the fall experience and our Director of Student Engagement and Co-Curricular Initiatives is collaborating with faculty, staff, and students to find creative ways to build community within I-Core, even while it is offered remotely. Students will also have many opportunities to meet in small groups outside of the classroom.

Finalizing your schedule

The University is currently working to update all of the information in the Class Schedule, including a description of the type of instruction (in-person, online, remote, or blended). All faculty should have class formats finalized by the end of today, July 17, and you are free to make changes to your schedule as you prefer.

Keep in mind that September 14 will be the last day to receive a 100% tuition refund for canceling full semester and first 7-week session classes and the last day to add full semester and first 7-week session classes without instructor approval.

Grading Basis

Additional flexibility has been added to the S/N Grade Basis Change policy and deadline for fall 2020 (see FAQ). For fall undergraduate full semester and second 7-week session classes, students now have until November 30 to change their grading basis option and until December 1 to withdraw from a course. All classes in your major or minor, plus all required prerequisite courses and Core courses (reference this web page for classes noted with an *), must be taken for a letter grade. Only liberal education courses and elective classes may be taken S/N.

Students are strongly encouraged to consult with One Stop Student Services and/or their academic advisors before they make any changes to their grading basis. This decision could result in potential complications, such as implications for financial aid, graduate or professional school applications, and eligibility for scholarships. Check out this S/N grading resource created by the UBCC.

Fall semester dates

As a reminder, fall semester will begin as scheduled on Tuesday, September 8. After Thanksgiving, some courses will be altering the method of delivery, and more information will be available the first week of class. The last day of instruction will be December 16, with online final exams scheduled December 17-23.

Carlson Global Institute - Study Abroad updates

COVID-19 is disrupting education abroad programming and CGI is providing updates online. Please review the FAQs and don't hesitate to reach out to the Education Abroad team with any questions you might have:

Building Updates

Hanson Hall Lab Open until December 23

The Hanson Hall lab will be open for students through December 23, 2020. Beginning Monday, November 30, UCard access will be available to enable all Carlson School students weekday access to the Hanson Hall Computer Lab (L-102). Lab hours are 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday. The lab will also be closed on University holidays.

Event policy for Carlson Atrium for Fall 2020

The Carlson School Atrium will not host any events in Fall 2020. Due to traffic patterns of student flow throughout the day, it is not possible to safely balance atrium events with the general foot traffic of the atrium area. All existing atrium reservations for the Fall 2020 semester (beginning September 8) will be canceled. Communal seating in the atrium will be reduced significantly to accommodate social distancing.