Meet...Mariah Zeweke!

What's your Major/Minor? Why did you choose that major?

I decided to major in Industrial and Operations Engineering because I'm always looking for ways to make things better, and that's what IOE is all about! I added a Computer Science minor because, to me, it felt like learning a new language, and I've always enjoyed that!

What courses are you mentoring for this semester?

This semester, I'll be a mentor for ENGR101! Charles and I are here to help you on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30-5:30PM via Zoom at this link with any MATLAB/C++ questions that arise in homeworks / labs / exam prep (:

What internships have you had? What have you learned from them?

I interned at Mauro Engineering in 2019, did research with the School of Information in 2020, and interned at DTE Energy in 2021. With these three experiences, I learned how to improve processes / maintain them over time and how to communicate effectively.

What are your graduation plans?

After I graduate in April 2022, I plan to work for Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati and audition for the Cincinnati Ben-Gals (NFL cheer team).

Fun fact about yourself?

I'm a total classic rock junkie and have seen 15 of my favorite rock 'n' roll bands in concert (weird flex: Don Barnes from .38 Special gave me his guitar pick at one of those concerts).