What relevant experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?

I have a variety of experiences. Including representing Greek life, umbc Athletics, and the public at large. Also, I grew up in a very politically based family in New York. I’ve grown up seeing politics in real-time.

How do you intend on fulfilling your role while working alongside other members of SGA? What strategies do you use to address conflict?

I will fulfill my vote by working together with my fellow senators to help improve umbc standings on the levels of the social atmosphere and increase volunteering in the community outside the circle. The strategies I will use will be reasonable; the goal will be to benefit the umbc community.

What is your vision for UMBC and the UMBC student body?

Umbc can be one of the greatest universities in the country, with its recent popularity in March madness, this school can leave greatness in its trails with the right people in position. I will be interconnecting greek life and non-greek life student organizations together to form one umbc.

How do you plan to facilitate communications with your constituents?

I will be working with my constituents day-and-night in order to put this school wear it belongs

Endorsed by:

Lambda Chai Alpha